
Anahita Golf Club

Statistics for Doreen Chui Wan Cheong

WHS Handicap Calculator

Par 3 Avg - 3.73
Par 4 Avg - 5.26
Par 5 Avg - 6.27

Scoring Analysis for Doreen Chui Wan Cheong

Gross Scoring Trend

Stableford Trend

Scoring Distribution

Handicap Trend

You can now sort the results below by clicking on gross, nett or stableford

Competition Date Course Gross Nett Sford
Charity Event by the Consulate of the Republic of Namibia Q Sunday 1st October 2023 Anahita Golf Club 76 + 3 holes 30
SBM GOLF 2023 Q Friday 18th August 2023 Anahita Golf Club 83 + 2 holes 30
SBM Golf Day at Anahita Q Friday 11th December 2020 Anahita Golf Club 93 76 32

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